As a result of decades of know-how, Lapi Gelatine can offer tailor-made products for all applications for specific customer needs.

Food supplements for joints and bones

Collagen peptides (gelatine) are used in food supplements to treat arthritis or to maintain good joint function.
 Some long terms treatments to maintain joints in good health make use of collagen peptides. 
Food supplements containing collagen peptides are also used to treat some degenerative bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, combined with supplements containing calcium and vitamin D.

Energy drinks and bars

Collagen peptides (gelatine) are used in the production of energy drinks and bars
for sports enthusiasts as a source of pure proteins.
Numerous types of proteins can be used for products for sports enthusiasts, but peptides are one of the purest sources of proteins.
The proteins are the “bricks” for building muscles fibres and are essential
in the recovery process following highly intense physical activity.